Sustainable Holiday Gift Guide
I love everything about the holiday season including giving gifts. But the more sustainable practices I have adopted the more I question the consumerism and the massive amount of trash that comes with it. So I have pledged to only give sustainable gifts and I put 8 different gift ideas with something for everyone and different price ranges. By purchasing sustainable gifts you also support companies that take a stance to do things differently. For big changes to happen small businesses that use sustainable pratices need to be able to survive and thrive. To read more about general tips for sustainable gift giving read my article “how to not gift trash”.
1. Swell bottles
2. Plaine Products
3. Enjoy Cookbook
4. Sustainable Dishcloths
5. DIY Gifts
6. Inscape Meditation Gift Card
7. Beeswax Candles
8. Glass Meal Prep Container & Stasher Bags
But what about wrapping paper, packaging from deliveries, etc. Here are some tips to minimize your trash:
- Stores like Package Free, for example, ship plastic-free. But if you end up ordering from Amazon check out if the items are available under the frustration-free shipping. Simply click the link and search for your item.
- Lauren Singer from trash is for tossers has a great guide to zero waste gift wrapping. Check it out, I think it looks so beautiful.
- If you are getting presents in gift bags etc., save them to reuse for next year.
Happy holidays!
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